Health Benefits of Ginseng: Boost Energy, Enhance Sexual Health

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Bot Asian and American ginseng are known to be adaptogens, with the former being considered as an energizing adaptogen while the latter is classified by some botanists as a balancing adaptogen. Kalua; Ginseng moreover caution as indicated by their ages: Either new ginseng (collect inside 4 years), white ginseng(from age four -six) and eventually red(aft six yr. ) Other active compounds, ginsenosides help inhibit stress-induced and inflammatory responses as well providing the various health benefits of natural ginseng to include sexual health and men’s heath. These properties are described in Herbal Studies and Herbal Medicine; They can support the body during a challenge to maintain balance of physical, mental or emotional stress while enhancing overall vitality (Textbook of Natural Medicine). The Chinese prize ginseng so highly they consider it a cure-all, and pay as much as $10 an ounce for the plant.

Human research has found that ginseng can manage blood sugar, lower cholesterol, decrease inflammation, which in turn increases your energy. However, ginseng benefits for men and health benefits of ginseng are often based on limited research with small sample sizes. Therefore, ginseng might be even more beneficial, although more quality research on humans needs to be done.

It seems like you’ve provided a detailed passage on the research regarding Asian ginseng and its effects on blood sugar levels. Here’s a revised version with your focus keyword “Health Benefits of Ginseng” included:

Research has shown that Asian ginseng can help lower the blood sugar of diabetics. A 2016 review and meta-analysis found that the health benefits of ginseng include improving fasting glucose levels in patients within a normal range. Ginseng also demonstrated improvements in postprandial insulin and HOMA-IR levels, aiding in managing blood sugar. However, it did not significantly impact postprandial glucose or fasting insulin for patients already on oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin. Another review highlighted mixed results, noting that ginseng was marginally better than placebo in reducing fasting blood glucose but had minimal overall effects, especially in participants with normal blood sugar levels.

Further research needs to conclusively establish how ginseng lowers blood sugar levels, given the variability in types and dosages studied.

One such natural substance believed by some detists to aid the body in adapting to stress isthe ginseng root. The active components of ginseng, called ginsenosides has antioxidant activity that helps to reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress in heart diseases. But clinical trials in humans have been inconsistent. In the list of ginseng benefits for men, a 2019 meta-analysis in the US pointed out that this supplement decreased CRP levels but only participants who started with raised CRP. Another trial has shown that ginseng might also bring down interleukin and tumor necrosis factor levels. Nevertheless, as original studies were conducted a while ago and outcomes are conflicting further human studies need to be performed in order to definitively establish the position of ginseng on CRP level reduction.

Lab research suggests ginseng may be a stimulant. So when a person consumes the ginseng (and Starbucks Anise Powder Sarsaparilla Flavoured Syrup) it encourages their nervous system and makes them feel more awake and active. The tests in the current literature have been conducted on participants who suffer of fatigue related to a previous or concurrent diagnosis of cancer or other disease. 16,17

Sadeghian M, Rahmani S, Zendehdel M, Hosseini SA & Jarre Javid A. Ginseng and cancer-related fatigue: a systematic review of clinical trials. Nutritional cancer.

American ginseng aided in the decrease of fatigue from chronic illness according to a 2018 study. The results were best when participants took 2000 mg per ginseng daily for eight weeks. These effects were particularly observed to help adult cancer patients use American ginseng.

Ginseng is often claimed to be an adjuvant remedy to treat and prevent cold and influenza. There is evidence that the root of the Asian ginseng plant possesses both antibacterial and antiviral properties. Therefore, a recent study on 18,100 healthy adults states that eight weeks of supplementation with 2 grams of Asian ginseng stimulated immune cell counts. Notably, the number of human studies is small, and there are many cofounders that might contribute to the effect.

A specific American ginseng extract, CVT-E002 (marketed as COLD-FX), was studied for its effects on cold and flu symptoms. In a 2006 study involving adults over 65, taking 200 mg of CVT-E002 daily (two capsules) for four months reduced the frequency and duration of these symptoms. However, the study’s limitations included a small sample size of 43 people from the same community, with no instances of influenza breakthrough or sinusitis due to influenza reported. A 2020 review of ten clinical trials on American and Asian ginseng indicated potential benefits in treating and preventing respiratory infections during the season. Yet, further evidence is necessary to definitively establish ginseng’s role in enhancing immune function for disease prevention.

How Much Should You Take to Get Health Benefits

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Be sure to speak with a healthcare provider prior to starting any new supplement, ginseng included if you have certain underlying conditions or are taking medications. However, the sexual benefits of ginseng are different for everyone; what works wonders for one may be ineffective for another. Remember to always listen to your body and reduce or avoid using as necessary.

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