Benefits of Fisetin: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and More

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Surely, dear health reader, you are already familiar with antioxidants like resveratrol or quercetin. While these compounds have been widely studied, less attention has been given to a relatively obscure but powerful antioxidant called fisetin. Fisetin, a natural flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, has recently garnered attention for its potent anti-aging properties, thanks largely to its antioxidant and anticancer benefits.

For more insights into the benefits of fisetin and other well-being topics, keep reading.

What is Fisetin?

Fisetin is a flavonoid compound of the polyphenol class for which some studies have been conduced. A phytochemical that is a pigment in many plants and provides colors for various fruits & veggies include strawberries, cucumbers and apples.

Fisetin has generated interest in recent years over its potential for deriving benefits. It appears to have potential as a lifespan-extending and anti-aging compound. These especially ‘senolytic’ effects are extraordinary in the field of science today.

Senolytics — A class of molecules being investigated for their potential to kill senescent cells Research will aim to identify and characterize an agent for the prevention, delay, or even reversal of age associated diseases.

Despite being studied for a slew of healthful effects, though research is just in the preliminary stage. Thus far nearly all of the research on this has been done in labs and animal studies. As we write this post, only one clinical trial has.

Food sources of fisetin

Fisetin is found in fruits and vegetables. Some of the great resources are given below;






lotus root

Kiwi fruit


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The Benefits of Fisetin

VICE ELSEWHEREHow Safe Is Ayahuasca Really? The antioxidant has potent effects to reduce free radicals and can also synergise the impact of other antioxidants in our system.

Fisetin has also been proven to have anti-inflammatory and antitumor efficacy in research. The molecule has varying effects on different organs, like the brain heart and liver. It may also be very beneficial for the skin and depression.

So, let’s get down to the health benefits it actually provides.

Anti-aging and life extension

Extending life is one thing but extends the healthy years really matters.

As you know, fisetin is one of the potential senolytic compounds. It is a functional of slowing aging in a composite. We accumulate senescent cells as we get older. That can break these cells, making them stop dividing and start spewing inflammatory molecules.

With more building up in the body, it is affected by these senescent cells. These cells destroy normal tissue and also promote a variety of age-related diseases, from cancer to heart disease to osteoporosis, even Alzheimer’s.

Taking out those cells in animal studies has helped inflammation decrease and life to be prolonged.

Studies of plant compounds as senolytics have been conducted recently, and the best-in-class is fisetin. Scientists then compared the effects of a normal and fisetin-enriched diet on mice. They discovered that mice drinking fisetin lived approximately 10% longer. They not only lived longer, but they also performed much better in their older years.

This is a 10% extension of life expectancy which is huge and the work, therefore, unsurprisingly brought with it much fanfare.

Other studies have demonstrated that fisting not only extends the lifespan of flies by 20 percent but also yeast undermines more than 50%.

These results led to a new study, which subjected of fisetin on inflammation and bone health in older adults. The results are anticipated sometime in late 2020.

Well, will Fisetin help you live longer? The signs are optimistic, but we need to see the results of upcoming clinical trials before getting too excited.

Anti-cancer potential

Several laboratory studies have shown that fisetin can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. It works by causing cancer cells to die (apoptosis).

Animal and laboratory studies have shown that fisetin was effective against several types of cancer, including:

Ovarian cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Bladder cancer

breast cancer

Lung cancer


Colon cancer

skin cancer

Fisetin prevent cancer cells to grow which attributes the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties they considered.

The team found that fisetin made lung cancer cells more sensitive to treatment with chemotherapy in an animal study.

While the gap in recent research is an encouraging sign, it’s not known if this will translate to humans.


Other research also relates fisetin with countless of the homeownership heart fitness. It can support heart health in multiple ways. It might protect from oxidative stress and can help to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure also.

Fisetin Is An Excellent Anti-Inflammatory This compound helps guard the body against stress and inflammation, which in turn promotes protection from inflammatory diseases. It helps inhibit inflammation, but it also works to regulate active inflammation that the body is experiencing.

Research shows that fisetin inhibits inflammatory pathways and scavenges a number of pro-inflammatory agents. It can even encourage glutathione production, the most important natural anti-inflammatory compound in our bodies.

Heart health

In one animal study, fisetin ameliorated heart function and health in mice with abnormal thickening of the walls. One more study discovered that fisetin spared muscle from the heart tissue and enhanced capacity after harm by a propelled cardiovascular failure.

Can lower cholesterol

Fisetin has also been shown in one study to reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in rats with high-fat diet-induced weight gain. Another study with diabetic rats has shown that fisetin reduced bad LDL cholesterol by 50% and at the same time increased good HDL (as in H for heavenly) cholesterol to meowed about twice.

May lower blood pressure

Fisetin may Inhibit Blood Clotting and Lower High BP Results from several in vitro laboratory studies, as well as animals suggest fisetin acts a strong activator of the enzyme heme oxygenas-1 (HO-1), which is known to prevent blood clot formation and bring down high PP levels.

Fisetin has been found in a cell study to block blood Platelet adhesion, indicating that fisetin may be beneficial for high BP as it might help prevent the formation of clots.

Brain health

Research shows that it has a wide range of possible benefits for the brain. They might ward off age-related brain ailments like Alzheimer’s and help slow cognitive decline, plus have a protective effect on many common mental disorders ranging from depression to anxiety.

Alzheimer’s disease and memory

In the aging brain, certain immune cells are overactive. It leads to inflammation and kills brain cells.

In the laboratory, fisetin was found to boost antioxidant defenses in the brain, reduce aspects of inflammation and protect brain cells.

Fisetin was also found to reduce amyloid plaques in mice and protect healthy brain cells from damage .

Additionally, one study showed that older rats on a fisetin diet performed better in cognitive tests for memory and learning.

Another study found that aging rats fed fisetin improved memory and learning.

Anxiety and depression

In rats, fisetin supplementation has been shown to reduce depression by the upregulation of noradrenaline and serotonin levels.

Other rat studies have found that fisetin relieved pain-induced anxiety and depression.

The researchers think that it works by inhibiting an enzyme known as monoamine oxidase, which mops up excess noradrenaline and serotonin.


In animal studies, fisetin has protected brain cells and decreased damage or inflammation after a stroke.

Fisetin in the treatment of posttraumatic seizures. Fisetin help to reduce oxidative stress, and seizure according to the research.

Benefits of Fisetin for Diabetes Management

Additionally, Fisetin is demonstrated to assist in regulating blood sugar, which means it could be a potential treatment for diabetes. Fisetin Regulates Blood SugarAccording to studies, fisetin can help regulate blood sugar in the following ways: (31, 32)

Boosts insulin levels

Raise the number of enzymes necessary for sugar breakdown.

When in the blood, this takes out sugar and keeps it as Glycogen at assemblies.

Fisetin has also been shown to offer promise in alleviating certain diabetic symptoms, including neuropathic pain.

Benefits of Fisetin for Managing Obesity

In animal models, the flavone fisetin promotes weight control and battles obesity.

Fisetin has been shown to prevent weight gain in mice on a high-fat diet (study). Indeed, they put on about 75% less body weight when fed fisetin. Big and bold difference

Scientists do not have a definite answer as to how this leads to weight loss. The technique works by blocking the process mTOR and creating a reduction in the fattesttip of it all believe this is through Fat cells. Additionally, it boosts adiponectin — a hormone that burns fat.

Benefits of Fisetin for Bone Health

There’s also evidence to suggest that fisetin might help protect bones as we age.

Bone Health: Estrogen plays in role in bone health, which places postmenopausal women at a greater risk of osteoporosis or other bone diseases.

In animal studies, mice lacking estrogen had higher bone density and less bone loss when fed fisetin.

These results are still preliminary, but they seem to indicate that fisetin could be used for improving bone health in postmenopausal women.

Benefits of Fisetin for Protecting Against Sun Damage

And a group of researchers found that fisetin could inhibit the progression of skin cancer development by inhibiting collagenase-1 and reducing UV-induced wrinkle formation [66] It also reduces inflammation and it prevents against oxidative damage, ultimately reducing the risk of UV-induced skin ageing.

In a mouse model where fisetin was administrated topically, it inhibited inflammation as well as DNA damage associated with exposure to UV light, and lead to normal behavior of skin cells . As per animal studies it can have even anti-wrinkle activities so far as to increase collagen on skin.


Fisetin also helps in treating common inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema. Fisetin may reduce inflammation, as demonstrated in another animal study that found it reduced skin redness and swelling of the ear (a sign of inflammatory disease) in mice with various forms of dermatitis.

Antimicrobial Benefits of Fisetin

Some research into the potential benefits of it even suggest that its use may also be having an antimicrobial impact. Studies suggest that it has antifungal, anti-bacterial and even some parasite fighting potential.

Another study revealed that fisetin is able to combat listeria. It was also able to kill two types of very harmful fungi in one study on immunocompromised individuals.

Not only may it ward off infectious diseases, but Coconut Oil has also shown its ability to combat parasitic infections.

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How to use Fisetin

It is a flavonol, which means that it has antioxidant properties and is found in fruits & vegetables; or as a supplement.

What foods contain fisetin?

The richest source of fisetin in the diet is strawberries. They have the most compounds, and are fairly low in sugar.

Cucumbers and onions also have fair amounts of the compound, but it’s not practical to eat your way to a high enough level for fisetin.

The last food source in this list is persimmons and they also contain fisetin but like grapes, a lot of sugar as well.

It can be found in supplement form, and also sold within capsules. However, the few studies in human patients are positive and as an example one study found 100mg/day was significantly effective at reducing inflammation.

So far this has only been tried in an ongoing clinical trial using a dose that is much higher — results won’t be available until the end of 2021.

Because if you intend to utilize fisetin supplementation, please use with caution and as directed on the label or ask your healthcare provider.

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Warnings and side effects

Unfortunately, there are very few clinical studies performed so far and we will have to wait for ongoing studies to know more about fisetin benefits and evidence even first human-grade data (now that had been demonstrated safety).

In the only clinical trial to date, one of 11 participants reported abdominal discomfort. One patient receiving chemotherapy reported this problem as an adverse event; similar effects were noted among participants who received the placebo also undergoing chemotherapy.

But we have no safety data in children on the effects of oral fisetin supplements. Likewise, we cannot determine the safety for pregnant or nursing mothers. Therefore, if you want to take fisetin supplements be cautious so as not children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Drug interactions

Fisetin could interfere with blood thinning drugs e.g. warfarin (Coumadin). Warfarin is metabolized by the liver via nearly same pathway as fisetin. Some features of fisetin t may enhance the effects. Consult your doctor first before taking supplements of fisetin in case you are inhaling warfarin.

Fisetin also works with anti diabetes medications. In animal studies, fisetin has been shown to markedly reduce blood sugar. If you are on a glucose-lowering drug, please discussion with your doctor before considering to take Fisetin.

Last thought

With its antioxidant abilities, fisetin which is a bioflavonoid found in strawberries and other fruits as well as vegetables has been shown to help promote Miss. Research has indicated that fisetin is a powerful anti-aging compound with promising applications for healthspan extension and life extention. From fighting off a number of different cancers (breast, skin, lung and colon), to playing a role in the excretion on mercury from the body. Fisetin also assists our cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing high blood pressure, and supporting better circulation in order to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Fisetin has been linked to supporting brain health and may improve memory, it also combats aging connection with the stronger links is its ability to help prevent age-related degenerative diseases of the brain like alzheimer’s. In addition, its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects might help prevent free-radical damage to the skin as well as several disorders like eczema. While most of these investigations have been performed in the laboratory, new research continues to emerge detailing what fisetin can do for health.

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What Is Fisetin?

Anti-aging and Life Extension

Anti-cancer Potential

Heart Health

Brain Health

Skin Health

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