Benefits of Dark Chocolate: Discover 12 Proven Health Benefits

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The benefits of dark chocolate can get people eyebrows raised when they hear about it. Naturally, we are not discussing the sickeningly sweet milk chocolate bars that many people have come to love. But by healthy chocolate, here we mean LEGITIMATE dark chocolate that has a high cocoa content of 70% or more.

People often reach for that get some when stressed. because They Chocolate is considered a comfort food to so many of us in times with stress we do turn to it. Surprisingly, though, dark chocolate has a lot of other health benefits.

Made from the seeds of cocoa tree, dark chocolate is full of healthy nutrients and provides a lot benefits. PureRaw is rich in antioxidants, scientifically some of the best natural anti-oxidants. Some research suggests that high-quality dark chocolate may improve heart health.

Nutritional value of Dark Chocolate

Not only is dark chocolate delicious, it has many health benefits. Here is the nutritional value of it per 100gm:

Calories: Approximately 600 calories (Brand / Composition may vary)

Fat- about 40–50 grams -mostly from saturated fat and monounsaturated fats

Protein: About 5-10 grams.

Carbs: 40-50gram, with an abundant for fiber.

Fiber: Dark chocolate with enough fiber usually falls in the range of 10 to 15 grams per every 100g.

Sugar: Sugar Content Varies Significantly from Brand to Brand and with Cocoa Content, but Invariably Lower than Milk Chocolate. Dark chocolate 20–40 grams of sugar per 100 grams

Iron, Magnesium and Copper: Dark chocolate is loaded with minerals such as iron, magnesium and copper among others at around 50-70% of the RDA per 100 gm.

Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids which have been associable with numerous health benefits like improved cardiovascular heart and lowered inflammation.

Dark chocolate has small amounts of theobromine and caffeine are mild stimulants that can affect the body.

While dark chocolate has several health benefits, it is also high in calories and should be eaten as part of a balanced diet. Choose those with high cocoa content (70% or above) and lower added sugars for the best nutrition.(70% or higher) and minimal added sugars for the most nutritional value.

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Health Benefits of Dark chocolate

In some cases such as the consumption of dark chocolate, which can be beneficial to human health when eaten in modest proportions within a balanced diet because it contains nutrients. Here are twelve of them:

Rich in Antioxidants

Flavonoids, found in dark chocolate are strong antioxidants and fight oxidative stress that lead to chronic diseases like heart disease or cancer. (Source: PubMed).

Heart Health

Enjoying moderate amounts of dark chocolate can benefit your heart health, as it helps to raise levels of HDL (good) cholesterol in addition to lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and thus may lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.(Source: Harvard Health).

Improved Blood Flow

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that help to produce nitric oxide in the lining of blood vessels, which can increase endothelial function lead to improved circulation and lower blood pressure; factors key for heart health. (Source: Frontiers in Nutrition).

Reduced Risk of Stroke

Eat dark chocolate (in moderation) One recent study found that moderate consumption of dark chocolate, or other iron-rich antioxidants may decrease the risk for stroke by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation: The link between cacao consumption and lowered C-reactive protein was not significant in subjects with a daily polyphenol intake lower than 450 mg, yet became stronger at higher intakes. (Source: Stroke).

Brain Health

Compounds in dark chocolate, such as caffeine and theobromine, can improve brain function which could help slow down age-related mental decay. (Source: Frontiers in Nutrition).

Mood Enhancement

Phenylethylamine in dark chocolate can induce the release of endorphins and serotonin in your brain, both chemicals responsible for giving you a sense of well-being or happiness (Source: Nutrients).

Better Skin Health

A very small piece of dark chocolate can help protect your skin from the sun, greatly enhance blood flow to the skin and increases collagen density (giving it more elasticity) resulting in not only healthier but younger looking skin. (Source: Antioxidants).

Blood Sugar Regulation

Although they do contain a little sugar, dark chocolate is low GI and does not lead to large spikes or falls in blood glucose levels so mindful indulgence can fit into your diet if you have type 2 diabetes (Source: Nutrients).

Improved Exercise Performance

Dark chocolate with cocoa flavonols, in particular, eaten in moderate amounts (the key word here is moderation) helped improve athletic performance by boosting the availability of oxygen during exercise as well as energy metabolism and reducing fatigue — all according to a study published in European Journal of Nutrition. (Source: European Journal of Nutrition).

Stress Reduction

A small piece of dark chocolate can calm your nerves, as it stimulates the production of endorphin and serotonin—the feel-good neurotransmitters in our brains(Source: Nutrients).

Weight Control

Eating a piece of dark chocolate prior to meal times could help regulate appetite and calorie intake, which has the potential for reducing energy consumption overall thus supporting weight management efforts. (Source: Nutrients).

For Mothers and Babies

A finish study carried out has showed that mothers who consume dark chocolate while pregnant feel calmer and their babies reaction to birth(love smile) end up laterborn are happier compared from mum they give no eat choclate because of this facts according source (Source: PubMed).

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side effects of dark chocolate

White dark chocolate can provide health benefits (in moderation), in some cases it may also have potential side effects if eaten in excessive amounts or by those suseptible to sensitivities. Some of the dark chocolate side effects may include:

  • Weight Gain: Dark chocolate contains much higher calories, fat and sugar Density makes its consume easier to make you gain weight When eaten in large amounts and regularly, without acknowledging these calories they also will lead to weight gain.
  • Digestive Issues: Some people may experience nausea, bloating, gas or diarrhea after eating dark chocolate — especially if they are sensitive to caffeine.
  • Caffeine Sensitivity: Dark chocolate does contain caffeine and can cause jitteriness, anxiety, insomnia or increased heart rate in people sensitive to caffeine.
  • Allergic Reactions: Though uncommon, some allergic reactions to dark chocolate may appear particularly in people who have allergies for cocoa or any other ingredient found in a single piece of a large-range. symptoms that can be felt are itching, hives and swelling.
  • Interference with Medications: Compounds in dark chocolate may interfere with medications, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), often prescribed for depression which may lead to adverse side effects (Source: Mayo Clinic).
  • Tooth Decay: The sugar in dark chocolate can cause tooth decay. Can be cariogenic, if consumed often and not properly removed from the teeth (Source: Journal of Oral Science).

Please consult your healthcare professional with any specific health concerns or dietary restrictions before adding dark chocolate to your diet.

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